"Mrs. Natasha Abdullah" mailar igen!

Jag fick svar från fru Natasha Abdullah minsann. Trevligt!

From: Natasha .W. Abdullah
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 11:39 AM
To: Vemmi Elveteh
Subject: How Are You

Dear Beloved ,

I got your messange and the content was well understood, I am a British as you already know and i am right now in an Hospital in United Arab Emirates where i know the cold hands of death will meet me.

I know i am not strong enough and anything can happen to me anytime from now, So i really want you to be in possesion of this money before my death, this is the reason i am trying my best to make sure this consignment is in your custody as soon as possible.

I already sent the Security Company in the Neitherland an email, instructiong them about you as my next of KIN to the Consignment i have with them. These are the requirements the security Company will be needing from me in order to honor the Athorization letter.

1. Your Full Names.
2. Phone Number.
3. Scanned copy of your International passport or any ID of yours.
4. My International Passport photo copy.
5. My security Number of Depositing the Consignment.

Greetings to you and your family.
Please pray for me
Mrs. Natasha W. Abdullah

From: Vemmi Elveteh
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 2:34 AM
To: 'Natasha .W. Abdullah'
Subject: RE: How Are You

Dear Natasha,

I pray for you devotedly, and hope you have the best hospital care possible.

I am glad you are using Security Company in Neitherland. I have never been to Neitherland but think I heard of them.

My telephone number is: +88213213608. I am sometimes busy, so be patient.

Before sending you this letter I used my ScanPo Torraland scanner and copied my passport for you. As you may notice my full name is Vemmi Helah Elveteh, but no one really uses Helah, just Vemmi. I include the copy of my passport below. Sorry for bad hair day.

Rock out with your cock out! Sincerely,
