Dagens uppslagsord: Fredagsmys
I fredagsmyset ingår vissa ritualtypiska beteenden, t ex att i smyg mot soffan eller partnerns mysbyxor torka av de kladdiga s.k. ostbågsfingrarna och att somna ifrån TV4-långfilmen och dregla på sin partner.
I hushåll med TV1000 och liknande betalkanaler visas gärna vuxenunderhållning under de sista timmarna av fredagsmyset. Sådan kan i ömkliga fall ha en medryckande effekt och orsaka så kallad soffpetting. Här är det önskvärt att ostbågsfingrarna är ordentligt avtorkade. I synnerhet i de fall partnern dreglat färdigt och vaknat.
Fredagsmyset kan i korthet sägas vara en rit med avsikt att lindra stress och lägga vardagsbördorna bakom sig. För en alternativ metod se Heroin, s. 267.
EDIT: For the foreign readers:
Fredagsmys (friday cozytime) is the Swedish activity where family and friends gather on Friday evening after a week of hard work to celebrate the upcoming weekend - with some take-out or finger food; snacks and candy; watching tv and engaging in general couch potatoing. The Fredagsmys also serves the purpose of mental preparation for the intense Swedish Saturday Shit-facedery, lördagsbrakfyllan, where you're expected to knock back Fernet Brancas, make out with your married co-worker, lose your jacket and hurl in a cab.
Fredagsmys also includes some ritual behaviors, e.g. to stealthily wipe your sticky ostbågsfingrar (cheese puff-fingers) against the couch or your partner's sweat pants; fall asleep to the tv-movie and drool on your loved ones.
In households with cable tv, some adult entertainment might commence during the final hours of Fredagsmys. This can, in the most pitiful cases, have a captivating effect and cause so-called soffpetting (couch petting). In this activity the participants should make sure their cheez doodle-fingers are properly wiped. In particular if the partner is done drooling and have woken up.
Friday cozytime can be described in brief as a rite with the intention to relieve stress and leave everyday burdens behind. For an alternative method, see Heroin, p 267.